EXO : Migration Batch in "NeedsApproval"

We had some mailbox migrations from Exchange to EXO, that wouldn’t complete migrating with the status "NeedsApproval" this means that one of the mailboxes has a "BadItemCount" above 0 - meaning in Administrator needs to be approve the completion of the batch.

To give Exchange Administrator Approval you need to get the name of the move with the command:


Then when you have the name of the Batch Migration as you can see here:

Confused Bear   NeedsApproval  ExchangeRemoteMove

Then run this command:

Set-MigrationBatch -Identity "Confused Bear" -ApproveSkippedItems | Complete-MigrationBatch -Identity "Confused Bear”

Once you run this command it will then update to : 

Confused Bear     Completed ExchangeRemoteMove

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