🍪 Cookie Notifications

If you live in an EU region, you will be well aware that that every website has to ask you what do you want to do with your cookies 🍪 

*Edge is not in the showcase of icons and people do not like Edge, its just forced on everyone by Microsoft and its Chrome with a Microsoft logo, also Microsoft people do not "Bing" they "Google"

This is some crazy pointless rubbish to do with Privacy Law or GDPP and Data Protection - its one of those or all of those, who cares?

It’s one of those I don’t particularly care which one I don’t particularly care about being notified about my cookies.

Personally, I find this a gigantic pain, everything time I visit the website, I get asked if I’d like to accept the cookies reject the cookies or customize my individual experience - I don’t particularly give a damn what you do with my virtual cookies.

This is a legal requirement in the EU (which the United Kingdom is no longer part of, but we still follow their backwards rules)

If I can eat the cookies, then I’m more than happy to pay attention to these pointless dialog boxes, but as they were simply be a marker on my computer for my session data from my previous visit, I don’t really care - this is fine for a couple of sites, but this pointless question literally appears on every single website and you have to do this before using the website:

So to combat this and to use the Internet as normal, but make sure if you’re using Chrome and make sure you installed the super agent extension which you can get from here

Once you have installed it, from the widget bar next to the address bar, its the one that looks like a "slider button" as below:

If you give that a click it will confirm its enabled and for the current site which here is Google, but give the cog icon a click in the corner:

Then from the options choose "Cookie Preferences" as below:

Then you can choose your options, here the only cookies I want are functional cookies the rest can be mulled by some nice bear claws as I am not intrested:

If you are wondering if this works, then yes it does, from the Dashboard options when using Chrome on the desktop it has saved me from 5030 pointless clicks and waste of my life as you can see:

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