This is a tutorial on how you reset your local admin account on a member server (no not the domain account) when you have forgotten the password it misplaced it, ideally you should be using LAPS but that is another question - like many on the internet, but this one is mine.
Server Security
This is a reason why you should ensure your servers are physically secure and that the BIOS/UEFI is not "open" without a password and you should now allow booting off virtual media for this reason, this guide makes it very easy to bypass Windows security with a setup ISO
Ensure that your BIOS is always protected with a password, the boot menu can only be accessed by authorised personnel and your security hygiene is good.
Locate the ISO
First you need the media on a ISO file that has your flavour of choice, for this example I am using Server 2019 the ISO is shown below:
Physical Server : Use Remote Access (iLO for HP)
We now need the remote control the server via the remote management solution, in this case we have a HP server so you will need to use iLO - other manufactures will have their own remote control, once you have this loaded you need to attach that ISO to the media on the iLO
Then you need to boot you server from the ISO file which may require the F8 key and you may be required to "press any key to boot from CD / DVD..."
Virtual Server : Mount ISO in virtual device
We now need the remote control the server and if you are using a Hypervisor that is as simple as, in VMware, taking the console session and then attaching the media to the VM.
Then you need to boot you server from the ISO file which may require the F8 key and you may be required to "press any key to boot from CD / DVD..."
Allow Windows to boot of ISO
You now need to wait for Windows to boot of the ISO and after a short wait you should get a screen like this:
When you get here do not click the install button, instead you need to click the "Repair" button shown below in the green box:
You then need to choose the Troubleshoot option as below:
Utilman.exe is what usually appears when you click the Accessibility icon on the login screen for Windows as below:
net users
Start Recovery command prompt
Once you server has rebooted without booting off the ISO, you then need to press the key combination of
Windows Key + U
This will show you the command prompt to which you need to enter these commands:
net user Administrator S3cu5ePa55w0rd
Advice : Before you reboot after you’ve typed exit, ensure you can log into the server with the password you’ve just set, if so Mission accomplished
Reboot and rollback changes
When you type exit the command prompt will vanish as you can login as normal once you are logged in you then need to rollback the "recovery command prompt" for this restart you computer and boot off the ISO again then enter the same command prompt and run these commands:
cd Windows
cd System32
del utilman.exe
ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe
shutdown -r -t 0
Once the server is rebooting remove the virtual media from the DVD drive and let your server boot normally.