HP VC-Module : pauseFlood

The domain controller port issues this morning we caused by the active NIC being disconnected, however upon investigation I found the error message “Port was  disabled because a pause flood was detected”  from my Virtual connect System Logs.

The symptoms are the network card shows as “not connected” is “disconnected” – if you have no GUI you will need ifconfig for ESX/Xenserver

To confirm this Connect to the HP virtual Connect -> Hardware -> Click on InterConnect Bays -> Click Bay 1 or Bay 2 ->Verify the status under Server Ports tab. It displays the Port status of “Not Linked/Pause Flood Detected”. It confirms the issue was caused by pause Flood. In some cases, a flex-10 port can enter into disabled state due to the triggering of “pause-flood”, or network-loop.

This was the case on ST1W6043 – so now to fixing it, which required admin intervention:

Use putty to connect to the “VC” IP address and enter the command : show-port protect

You can see above that there are multiple ports “suspended” for pauseFlood, so to get these ports working use the command: reset port-protect

Then as you can see the faulted port is now fixed:

->show port-protect
Port Protection Features
Protection    State
networkLoop   Enabled
pauseFlood    Enabled

This usually occurs due to out of date drivers and firmware versions, but in the case of ST1W6043 it was SEP with a firewall policy which was causing an down state to often………hence the port got disabled.
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