Lync to Skype - The Migration

These are my notes on moving from Lync 2010 to Skype 2015, then end game is to remove Lync 2010 from the environment:

Check that the CMS store is in Sync with this command:


Install a new CMS database for the new pool you are moving to:

Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn -SqlInstanceName -UseDefaultSqlPaths

Note : Set Model database on System to 3MB and 1MB respectively on log v data

Export your old configuration:

Export-CsConfiguration -FileName "C:\cms-backup\"
Export-CsLisConfiguration -FileName "C:\cms-backup\E911Config.bak"

Review your autodiscover addresses

Get-CsService -WebServer | fl autodiscover*

View the new pool configuration to ensure the values are all good:

Get-CsService -PoolFqdn

Ensure the user information is up to date and current, especially if you move users from one pool to another:


Ensure you have set your OAuth configuration, this can be determined with this command:


If the oAuth is not setup then you need to add the Lync oAuth first with these commands:

Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -Identity global -Realm ""
Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -Identity global -ExchangeAutodiscoverAllowedDomains "*"
Set-CsOauthConfiguration -Identity global -ExchangeAutodiscoverUrl ""

Then oAuth needs to be linked or partnered with Exchange for first check your Skype is serving oAuth URL by visiting this URL : - you should be asked to download a file

If this fails, you have not assigned a oAuth certificate, you can complete this step in the Serer Deployment wizard.

Login to Exchange, power powershell and browse to "c:\Program Fils\Microsoft\Exchange Server’\V15\Scripts"

Create an Enterprise partner application between Exchange and Skype

.\Configure-EnterprisePartnerApplication.ps1 -AuthMetaDataUrl ‘' -ApplicationType Lync"

Check that when you visit the Exchange oAuth URL you get a file download avaliable, my URL was this :

Then you can partner your Skype with an application trust:

New-CsPartnerApplication -Identity Exchange -ApplicationTrustLevel Full -MetadataUrl ""

This should complete oAuth, to confirm run the command below to test:

Test-CsExStorageConnectivity -SipUri "" -Verbose

This test should pas without any issues, if it fails you have missed a step, go back and check.

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