Update DNS server client IP's remotely using WMI

Sometimes you need to update older server says Server 2003 or older and you cannot use Powershell as its not installed, but you can use WMI. here is now....

$servers = get-content ./servers.txt

foreach($server in $servers)


       Write-Output "Connect to $server..."

       $nics = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computername $servers | where { $_.IPEnabled -eq "TRUE"}

       $newDNS = "",""

       foreach($nic in $nics)


       Write-output "`tExisting DNS Servers " $nic.DNSServerSearchOrder

       $x = $nic.SetDNSServerSearchOrder($newDNS)

       if($x.ReturnValue -eq 0)


        Write-Output "`tSuccessfully Changed DNS Servers on " $server




              Write-Output "`tFailed to Change DNS Servers on " $server




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