We have had ADSL2+ for a while now and I have been ever so impressed with this new ADSL service firstly it does not use VC-MUX channels which are unreliable it uses Bridged IP LLC which is far more reliable, this service is part of the RFC1483 system like VC-M UX without the stability issues.
The only gripe I have found is that DNS resolves to the ADLS2+ Servers are graded low down on the QoS (Quality of Service) however has this is an intergeral part of the Internet with DNS your pretty buggered on the Internet unles you spend all week using your "host" file to enter the billions of websites on the internet.
This gets more annoying when "Billy Nomates" starts he Torrent downloaded and tries to establish about 3,500 TCP connections to the rest of the world.....damn annoying and a waste of time as well....so I solved that issues by having DNS queries processed and stored at site so to speak....
So on my network I have numerous servers and workstations all using the internet at the same time (obviously) and with normal traffic levels (DNS, Mail, WWW, TSWeb) I still got this download rate from Microsoft.com for IE7 SP2...

If you turn on QoS to allow incoming HTTP before other traffic then you get wicked download speeds...
The only gripe I have found is that DNS resolves to the ADLS2+ Servers are graded low down on the QoS (Quality of Service) however has this is an intergeral part of the Internet with DNS your pretty buggered on the Internet unles you spend all week using your "host" file to enter the billions of websites on the internet.
This gets more annoying when "Billy Nomates" starts he Torrent downloaded and tries to establish about 3,500 TCP connections to the rest of the world.....damn annoying and a waste of time as well....so I solved that issues by having DNS queries processed and stored at site so to speak....
So on my network I have numerous servers and workstations all using the internet at the same time (obviously) and with normal traffic levels (DNS, Mail, WWW, TSWeb) I still got this download rate from Microsoft.com for IE7 SP2...
If you turn on QoS to allow incoming HTTP before other traffic then you get wicked download speeds...