Applied : Jaws Update to 0.8.1

Just a quick note to say that this site now uses Jaws 0.8.1 which fixes some security updates and other issues, please note that any issue you may have experienced with this site during this transition have now been resolved...
The upgrade process was not as smooth as I would have liked but after some kinks the issue is now resolved......see below for the transcript...
14:09 Lee: hello lee croucher here
 afzcode: hello
 Lee: I logged on the forum about the jaws 0.8 upgrade error
14:10 afzcode: remember
 Lee: MDB2 Error: no such field : _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: ALTER TABLE `registry` CHANGE `name` `key_name` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, CHANGE `value` `key_value` TEXT] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'name' in 'registry']
  that error
 afzcode: yes
 Lee: you asked me to IM you
14:11 how do I fix this error?
14:12 afzcode: did you check log through upgrade?
  in upgrade step 2
 Lee: I can do and try again if you like
 afzcode: you have backup of your database
 Lee: yes
14:13 afzcode: so restore it, to old jaws
 Lee: have do that so I am on 0.7
  shall I attempt a 0.8 upgrade now?
 afzcode: yes, we try re upgrade
14:14 but plz. check log in this upgrade
 Lee: ok hold on a minute
  extracting files now
14:15 right ticked the log install process.....
14:16 chose international enligsh
  shall I enable secure upgrade?
 afzcode: not nedded
 Lee: ok
 afzcode: *needed
14:17 Lee: shall I enter the root MySQL account
  or the normal account
 afzcode: user that access to your databases
 Lee: ok
14:18 ok the status says 0.8.0 requires update
 afzcode: ok
14:19 Lee: then I get upgrading from 0.7.x to 0.8x will : then I get no text it is this normal
14:20 then I get...
  MDB2 Error: already exists : _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: ALTER TABLE `gadget_shouters` RENAME TO `shouters`, CHANGE `gadget_call` `event` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NOT NULL] [Native code: 1050] [Native message: Table 'shouters' already exists]
  the log is as follows....

[Tue Aug 19 ,758 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Generating new installation key
[Tue Aug 19 ,515 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Input log and session key match
[Tue Aug 19 ,533 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking requirements...
[Tue Aug 19 ,540 2008][LOG_DEBUG]PHP installed version looks ok (>= 4.3.6)
[Tue Aug 19 ,547 2008][LOG_DEBUG]config directory has read-permission privileges
[Tue Aug 19 ,554 2008][LOG_DEBUG]data directory has read and write permission privileges
[Tue Aug 19 ,559 2008][LOG_DEBUG]xml support is enabled
[Tue Aug 19 ,564 2008][LOG_DEBUG]PHP accepts file uploads
[Tue Aug 19 ,569 2008][LOG_DEBUG]PHP has safe-mode turned off
[Tue Aug 19 ,575 2008][LOG_DEBUG]PHP has GD or ImageMagick turned on
[Tue Aug 19 ,580 2008][LOG_DEBUG]exif support is enabled
[Tue Aug 19 ,588 2008][LOG_DEBUG]data/themes directory exists
[Tue Aug 19 ,328 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if MySQLi (4.1.3 and above)(mysqli) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,333 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver MySQLi (4.1.3 and above)(mysqli) is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,339 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if MySQL(mysql) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,344 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver MySQL(mysql) is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,350 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if PostgreSQL(pgsql) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,356 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver PostgreSQL(pgsql) is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,362 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if Oracle(oci8) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,367 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver Oracle(oci8) is NOT available
[Tue Aug 19 ,373 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if MSSQL Server(mssql) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,379 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver MSSQL Server(mssql) is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,384 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if Interbase/Firebird(interbase) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,390 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver Interbase/Firebird(interbase) is NOT available
[Tue Aug 19 ,396 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if SQLite 2(sqlite) driver is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,401 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Driver SQLite 2(sqlite) is available
[Tue Aug 19 ,859 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking current database
[Tue Aug 19 ,870 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Connected to mysqli database driver successfully.
[Tue Aug 19 ,956 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking/Reporting previous missed installations
[Tue Aug 19 ,964 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.8.0 requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,970 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.7.4 does not requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,977 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.7.3 does not requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,983 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.7.2 does not requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,989 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.7.1 does not requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,995 2008][LOG_DEBUG]0.7.0 does not requires upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,001 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Checking if current version (0.8.0) really requires an upgrade
[Tue Aug 19 ,203 2008][LOG_DEBUG]Upgrading core schema
[Tue Aug 19 ,785 2008][LOG_DEBUG]MDB2 Error: already exists : _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
[Last executed query: ALTER TABLE `gadget_shouters` RENAME TO `shouters`, CHANGE `gadget_call` `event` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT
[Native code: 1050]
[Native message: Table 'shouters' already exists]

14:21 afzcode: restore databse not delete old tables in database
  thsi table for previous faild upgrade
14:22 so plz. full empty databse
 Lee: so how do I fix this?
 afzcode: and restore from your backup
 Lee: drop all tables in the database
  or do you want me to restore the 0.7 database over the top
14:23 afzcode: you only have jaws table in your database?
  and you have backup of thay?
 Lee: yes
  i have jaws tables in my database
 afzcode: so you can drop all tables form databse
 Lee: so you want a blank database?
14:24 afzcode: yes, for detect correct error
 Lee: sorry do not understand that last somment
  comment sorry
14:25 afzcode: yes, you ask about black database
 Lee: no blank database
  you want me to delete all 61 tables the the jaws catalogue?
14:26 afzcode: delete only jaws tables
  old, and new
 Lee: done
  now what?
 afzcode: restore old database
14:27 from backup
 Lee: restored
  now what
 afzcode: re proce upgrade wizard
14:28 and check log option
 Lee: ok
  thanks it works
  thats cool
14:29 afzcode: just a quick note
  today we have reported bug in upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8
  you can manually fix it
14:30 Lee: how and was is the issue
 afzcode: just goto table "listerners"
 Lee: ok
14:31 afzcode: and remove all record that in method field stored "UninstallGadget" string
14:32 i try today release 0.8.1, and this issue fixed in it
 Lee: why do you not get the policy enforcer in the upgrade
14:33 afzcode: releasing 0.8.1 easiest than publish this policy
14:34 Lee: does that mean this will appear in 0.81
 afzcode: 0.8.1 auto fix thsi issue
 Lee: cool
14:35 do i need to restore the old content and data all my photos are missing!
14:36 afzcode: only data folder
  without cache directore

5 minutes
14:42 Lee: still there
 afzcode: yes
 Lee: since the update it is trying to transfer data from no
  what up?
14:43 afzcode: where?
 Lee: in one of the config files I guess
14:45 did the upgrade from
 afzcode: goto jaws control panel
 Lee: yes
 afzcode: and then goto settings gadget
  Registry gadget
14:46 and finf key /config/site_url
  and empty it
  so save it
 Lee: got it
14:47 chnagin it now
 afzcode: re check it
 Lee: it is blank
14:48 what should it be
 afzcode: maybe you hardcode enter thsi ip address into your theme
 Lee: it is a default theme
14:49 ok changing that key screwed jaws
  Error 500 - Internal server error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
14:51 afzcode: you have frameset in your site
  so why is it?
 Lee: the registry database is missing the site_url field shall I add it?
14:52 afzcode: in jaws 0.8.0, we not use site_url, and this key only for compatiblity with 0.7.x
14:53 Lee: no CSS is working with this......
  it look like a site with no CSS
14:54 might revert the 0.7 and wait for 0.8.1
 afzcode: your problem not fix
 Lee: yes
 afzcode: can you access me to jaws control panel
 Lee: no
  http error 500
14:55 will revert to 0.7
14:56 afzcode:
 Lee: yeah but it is working on 0.7 now
  so that will work
  will wait for 0.8.2 unless you have a copy I can use?
14:57 love jaws hate this upgrade path
 afzcode: if you help us, we can help you
 Lee: are you in later on
 afzcode: yes
 Lee: whats the time there
14:58 will IM you about 17:00 GMT
14:59 afzcode: until 21 GMT
 Lee: speak to you later then!
 afzcode: ok
Then to resolve the issue the final transcript are as follows:
20:21 Lee: hello again
 afzcode: hi
 Lee: upgrade again to 0.8 all is now OK except for.....
20:22 all the links point back to not the internet address
 afzcode: good
 Lee: that is not good
  the website does not work outside this house
 afzcode: good for upgrade
20:23 not for bad urls :)
 Lee: ooohh I see
  how do I fix this final worked fine on 0.7
  mind you
20:24 afzcode: plz. goto database registry table
  and find record
 Lee: thast messed up jaws last time
 afzcode: /config/site_url
20:25 record /config/site_url
  and empty it
 Lee: sure this caused issues last time!
 afzcode: this time in table
  after it remove cache directory in data folder
20:26 Lee: ok going to registy in jaws admin now
20:27 afzcode: database not gadget
 Lee: aaahh OK
 afzcode: registry table
20:28 Lee: OK from MySQL clear the site_url key and delete the cache in data, right?
 afzcode: just emty it
 Lee: done and removed cache
20:29 shall I try the website now then
  wicked that has worked
 afzcode: all thing ok?
 Lee: thanks for that
  when is 0.8.1 avaliable
20:30 afzcode: in 0.8.1, by default we empty site_url
 Lee: when can I download 0.8.1
 afzcode: 2/3 next hours
20:31 Lee: that soon
  from where do you have a link?
 afzcode: have a link?
 Lee: url link
  to the download for 0.8.1
20:32 afzcode: in jaws website we publish it
 Lee: cool
  thanks for your help
 afzcode: np
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