Microsoft DreamScene.....for video nutheads!

If you are running Vista Ultimate in either x32 or x64 then you will notice that you are offered Microsoft DreamScene which in the words from the Microsoft site is:

Have you ever wished that you could make your desktop background something more exciting than just a regular picture? Would you like to use a video, even a slide show of your favorite pictures, as your desktop background? If so, then you're in luck. Windows DreamScene can make this happen. With Windows DreamScene, you can use a video—either the ones that come with Windows DreamScene, or one of your own—as your desktop background, the same way you would've used a regular picture.

That has still not answered my question so what exactly is DreamScene?

Windows DreamScene is a Windows Ultimate Extra. Windows Ultimate Extras are designed for Windows Vista Ultimate customers to extend Windows features to make using your computer more fun. With Windows DreamScene, you can change your desktop background to a video clip, which runs in a continuous loop to make your desktop come to life.

That sounds stupid not to mention a one way ticket to a BSOD in Vista......this is completely pointless as most of the time your desktop is hidden by an application as applications in Windows run full screen by default....
Anyway if you want to "try this out" a little like you did when you installed Vista then follow these instructions....
1. Right Click on the Desktop and choose Personalise (if you have Properties you are using XP)
2. Select the Location section (shown in blue below)
3. Select Microsoft DreamScene....and make sure you have a techie standing by!
PS : I have disabled AVI thumnail rendering as it uses all your CPU!
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