If you have an iPhone and you also have iTunes 8.1.1 then you can probably get the UDID for your iPhone from iTunes without using something as complex as the iPhone Configuration Tool.
To get the UDID load up iTunes and connect up your iPhone, once it detects the device in iTunes go to the main summary page as shown below:
Then to get the UDID of your iPhone simply click on the "Serial Number" text and this will change to UDID as shown below:
This also works if you click on "Software Version" it changes to "Build Version" this is actually quite handy for all those people who have to rely on others to get their UDID! ]]>
To get the UDID load up iTunes and connect up your iPhone, once it detects the device in iTunes go to the main summary page as shown below:
Then to get the UDID of your iPhone simply click on the "Serial Number" text and this will change to UDID as shown below:
This also works if you click on "Software Version" it changes to "Build Version" this is actually quite handy for all those people who have to rely on others to get their UDID! ]]>