Session "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022

If you get this in the System Event log on a HP server, do this to fix the errors, this is a HP issue which is fixed with the below:
1.) Open an Admin command prompt (run as admin) and run the following commands to be granted the necessary file privileges:

Takeown /f c:\windows\inf

icacls c:\windows\inf /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE":"(OI)(CI)(F)"

icacls c:\windows\inf\netcfgx.0.etl /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE":F

icacls c:\windows\inf\netcfgx.1.etl /grant "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE":F
2.) After running the above commands, reset the owner of c:\windows\inf back to the "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" account via:
a.) Start Explorer
b.) navigate to c:\windows,
c.) right-click on the c:\windows\INF directory
d.) choose Properties
e.) On the Security tab, click Advanced
f.) Next to Owner, click Change
g.) Click Location and select the local computer. (If necessary, scroll up to locate it on the domain.)
h.) In the Object name, enter "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" and select Check Names.
i.) Click OK.
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