Server Core : Uninstall Applications

If you wish to uninstall software on a server running Server Core, then you will have no GUI interface, but it can still be completed with ease, lets get cracking.

Check for Insalled Software

Check installed applications with GUID

Show installed products
wmic product

Check Drivers Installed
sc query type= driver

Check for Windows Updates installed (KBxxxxx)
wmic qfe 

Lets try with an Application

For this guide lets focus on the installing an application using the application install ID, so you need to start regedit then browse to the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall then in the list of application ID's you need to find the correct application.

In this example we are choosing "Azure ATP" so if you go though all the GUID ID's until you find the DisplayName of "Azure ATP" which in this example is: {44BF598B-8D3C-47D0-ADA1-08F77FE7F29D} 

Then you need to find the key "UninstallString" which is highlighted below:

Once you have this key it will look like this:

MsiExec.exe /I{44BF598B-8D3C-47D0-ADA1-08F77FE7F29D}

Uninstall from the shell

You need to update the /I for a /X like this, as /I will repair and modify, we do not want this, we require a remove or uninstall.

MsiExec.exe /X{44BF598B-8D3C-47D0-ADA1-08F77FE7F29D}

Then when you run this command you will be prompted to "are you sure you wish to uninstall this application" to which you say "Yes"

Uninstall other types from the shell

If you are instrested in doing this for the other types of uninstall you can find the command below:

Uninstall Device Drivers
pnputil -u -f drivername.inf

Uninstall Windows Updates
Wusa.exe patchname.msu
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